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Whats new about 2018

This year is not a another year to create a lot of new plans, ambition and desire for change. But we need to do something to make our better and not bitter. every year is also telling us that another year will add to our age and does mean that 365 days has been added unto us. The question is how we can make every day will be in favor for us. as individual, if we are married as the head of our family and spouse these three role in one person will definitely command our life for better or for worst. it is depend on how we drive our life. if we want it to travel without direction or we can control it with aiming your purpose for the next 349 days to go before 218 expire and another year will come that nothing significant happen to you.

If your are single what is your plan for this year. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” If God has a plan for you what are you going to do with this plan? 1. Ask the Lord what it would be. 2. Find the Lord’s hand to move upon your found plan from Him and third Seek the Lord to make this plan prosper in your life. IT is nothing so beneficial more than the plan of God to be Executed in our life, because he alone can make a big difference in our life that we can relay everything for our success.

2018 is a new hope of glorious, successful and fruitful living id we allow God to control our plans, desire and life. This year you have a lot of proper distinction to prove your worthiness not only for your own life but to your love ones as well. Find God and you will find the ways to your own victory in everything that you want to accomplished for this year.

No need to create a long list of new year resolution you have only to trust the Lord that He will make great turn around in your life. 2017 has been past already and you need to leave everything about this year neither it is favorable or not still it is done it is finish and you must leave it as it it was, all you have to do is face the reality that you are living in new dimension of the newness of 2018. Create your own target that will lead you to the journey of success, remember God is very much willing to guide and mentor you to make your life much better and not bitter for last 349 day of your journey for this year.

Keep in mind that God is able to lead you in more knowledgeable life that will lead other to inspire to walk in a narrow road of successful life being a true believer and worshiper of God and as a marital partner to your spouse. a loving and inspiring father to your kids and a servant of the living God to make a transferable concept of life in the presence of the almighty.

Remember this people can easily worship, testify and advise somebody when they are living in a peaceful mode, but how about if you are in the life of trials and like what was happen to hope and his family can you able to share your faith to others and willing to giver your testimony while God process you to obey his plan and purpose for your life? do and answer that quick, just think of what I am saying twice. How about if everything has been gone to you? you lost your job that give you financial stability, if your relationship with your spouse will be on great shaking, I mean if the hedge of your protection was allow to take away from you? by God himself in order for you to undergo his cleansing process, are willing to take the rick of following him?

My pastor told me do not pray to God to make me too much wealthy that I may forget him, or make me too much poor that I may leave him because of too much pain that I am experiencing but instead pray that I can hold on the process that God wants me to undergo to learn the his process of procedure to learn and accept the challenge to change and follow HIm in his desire to live a life of purpose driven and do the will of the almighty in my whole life.

This the result of that process the family academy was born on December 19, 2017 in in spite of total struggle that almost killed my life, through aneurysm and stroke but God did not allow this to happen for his great purpose in our life and that is to mentor other spouse who are willing to germinate others and to lessen broken relationship among the man and wife.

If you are inspire this manuscript please send share this to your account so many will able to read this. Thank you very much see you until next God bless you and may the good Lord bless your life like never before. Enjoy your journey with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

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