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As a Man of God

David was declare by God himself which he said "A man after my own heart". being a man after God's own heart does mean that you become too religious, not committing any sin, or you are a religious leader; God's only desire is that we have personal relationship with him, that you have receive him as your Personal Lord and Savior. God is so faithful to us, he never desire our down fall, instead he desire us to have life and have it more abundantly. What is good from God is, when he gave something to us he will never take it again from us. He also assure us that when we believe in him he will not put us into shame. and whatsoever we desire when we pray we believe that we receive it and we shale have them. God is telling us that when we give, It will be given to us as well, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. That if we bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord almighty. "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

Now as being the father and spouse of your own kingdom, means that you must be in the business of building up your family in their way to successful journey. Victory is yours if you will bring success to your spouse and child/ren. I am telling you this because every men in the family must dedicate their whole life in the Lord for the command was given to Adam and not to Eve. Men are the command keeper, this commandment was given directly from God. But sad to say Adam disobeyed God through the disobedient of Eve by the snake.The disobedient resulted to sin which we inherited from Adam. But redeemed by the second Adam in the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord. I am going to point out by this? As a man of and husband we must build your life under the leadership of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As a husband you should create a wife that will be respectful in your community, as a father you should not exasperate your children instead mentor them to become a fearful follower of God. I just hope that you have learned something today. God bless you and may your life become a blessing to others like never before. See you to my next blog.

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