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Do not exasperate your children

Ephesians 6:1-4 Apostle Paul literate his reader about the children and particularly for the Father. He stretch out that children should honor their parents for three reason 1. this is c commandment with a promise. 2. it may go well with the children and lastly 3. that they may enjoy long life on earth. On the other hand The apostle had exhortation for the father..The head of the family, The King of his own kingdom; his family. Do not exasperate your children (Exasperate means "to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely") instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. As parents we are to be obey always by our children in spite that sometimes we are wrong for some reason or another but we do not admit it. For us we are like God that never get wrong. we are not right about it, because for quite sometimes we become harsh to our child/ren but because we are the parents our children has no right to depend themselves to us because it is our rule of conduct to them.During my fatherhood among my kids I open told them to speak every time they want it to be especially when we have some decision to make. I make sure that I was listen to their suggestion as being a part of the family. because our children is one branch of our kingdom and being part of our kingdom they should be heard. and I think I am right about it because when they grew up and they are no now living with their own life they know hoe to manage their life. the word exasperate was given me an opportunity to understand my children. its meaning spoke to itself do not irritate or provoker them to the high level; meaning to dot lead our children to get mad on us, we should mentor them to become a man and woman that we wanted them to be. we should guide them in the way that they should go through. do not let them to go their own way that will lead them to destruction of their own life, because when this happens, at the end of the the road where the one who will carry them out of their unsuccessful journey. Therefore I would encourage you to bring your childre/ren in the way that they should go train them in the way of the Lord He is willing and righteous to train our child/ren in the right journey that they should go. Proverbs 22:16 "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Our role is to act as coach and mentor our children in the journey that God wants them to be. Our child is an added attraction into our life, they are not the center of attraction. remember they are a gift from the Lord and we must treasure them to be our gift for our happiness. God bless you, abundantly like never before.

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